• 35.0374
  • 36.3907
  • 43.7426

Süleymanpaşa Mahramlı Real Estate Ads

Total 1 records found.
Property ID: 1398
Land - For Sale
₺ 6.500.000
Plaster 3.124m²
Located in Tekirdag Süleymanpaşa Mahramlı District, this 3.143 m2 plot is located in a strategic location facing Tekirdag and Çanakkale roads. The land, which is in the village residential area, has a total usage area of 2,340 m2, with a construction area of 780 m2 from the base. It offers a suitable area for a three-storey business, hotel, motel, country tea garden, self-catering restaurant o
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Date Of Update: 22.12.2024
  • BUY
  • SELL
  • 36.3907
  • 36.5365
  • 35.0374
  • 35.1778
  • 43.7426
  • 44.0675
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