• 37.7392
  • 40.6734
  • 48.7621

Tekirdag Süleymanpaşa Çanakçı District

Çanakçı is a village in the District of Süleymanpaşa, Tekirdağ Province, Turkey. The name of the neighborhood is due to the fact that the surrounding plains are bowl-shaped. Most of the people living in the neighborhood are of Thessaloniki immigrant origin.

There are cemetery ruins from the Byzantine period in the neighborhood. These ruins show the historical importance of the neighborhood.

The neighborhood is 15 km from Süleymanpaşa, the central district of Tekirdağ. The economy of the neighborhood is based on the agriculture and livestock sectors. In recent years, thanks to special afforestation projects, almond and walnut cultivation has developed, and cherry orchards have been created in some parts of the neighborhood.

There is no primary school in the neighborhood. The neighborhood has a drinking water network, but no sewage network. There is no PTT branch and PTT agency in the neighborhood. There is also no health center and health home. Access to the neighborhood is provided by an asphalt road. According to the census conducted in

2019, the population of the neighborhood is 117 people.

On December 6, 2012, when Tekirdağ gained the status of Metropolitan, all villages were transformed into neighborhoods.
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